Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection

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Advanced Surgical Expertise for Testicular Cancer and Other Urological Conditions in Nashik

Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection (RPLND) is a highly specialized surgical procedure used to remove lymph nodes from the retroperitoneal space (the area behind the abdominal cavity) to treat or prevent the spread of testicular cancer and other specific cancers. This procedure helps to identify and remove cancerous cells in lymph nodes, which may prevent cancer from spreading further.

At Dr. Atul Singal's Comprehensive Care Clinic, Dr. Atul Singal, Senior Consultant Urologist and Uro-oncologist, is skilled in performing RPLND with a precision-focused approach, offering patients improved outcomes and a higher chance of cancer control with minimal complications.

RPLND is commonly recommended for patients with testicular cancer, particularly for those with non-seminomatous germ cell tumors, where the risk of cancer spreading to lymph nodes is higher. It may also be suggested for other select cancers involving the retroperitoneal lymph nodes. Dr. Singal carefully assesses each case, reviewing diagnostic imaging and pathology results to determine if RPLND is the appropriate course of action.

The primary goal of RPLND is to remove lymph nodes that may harbor cancer cells, which helps in staging and treating testicular cancer. RPLND can be both a therapeutic and diagnostic procedure, aiding in accurately determining the spread and stage of cancer. Dr. Singal prioritizes a minimally invasive approach when possible to reduce recovery time and postoperative discomfort.

While RPLND is a complex surgery, it is generally safe when performed by an experienced urologist like Dr. Singal. Risks may include bleeding, infection, or nerve damage, which can affect ejaculation in some cases. Dr. Singal uses advanced surgical techniques to minimize risks and enhance patient safety throughout the procedure.
